To make people aware of your work and to participate in the enrichment of this site, you can send us your documents (dissertations, theses, articles, lectures, reading records, testimonials, pictures ...) related to transcultural psychology or general psychology (clinical, experimental, social ...).
For copyright reasons , we systematically protect all incoming files against copying. The documents you send will be accessible to visitors but will be encrypted and can not be edited with a word processor. If you wish, you can display your personal details in order to then be contacted by someone who would be interested in your work...
To send your documents, please use the form below (copy / paste or download .doc format). To send it, and all other information, you can use the email address below:

Family name :
Given Name :
Age :
Occupation :
Degree / Specialization :
Training location (school/university, city, country…) :
Place of work (type of institution, city, country…) :
Population in contact (adult, child, nationality…) :
E-mail :
Pseudo used on forum (optional) :
The information provided will not be automatically forwarded or uploaded to the site However, if you wish, you can link to documents that you send in the mentioning here: (delete as appropriate):
- FullName: yes / no
- Occupation: yes / no
- Place of work (type of institution, city, country ...): yes / no
- E-mail: yes / no